Petitions and Solicitation Policy

Effective: April 10, 2023

Soliciting, selling, or circulating petitions for signature inside library buildings, including meeting rooms, and parking lots and garden areas is prohibited. Soliciting, selling, or circulating petitions for signature outside of the library, or on library property at a distance of 25 feet or more from doorways is considered free speech and protected by the First Amendment.

This policy sets forth guidelines and conditions for circulating petitions on library property to protect both the free exercise of individual rights as well as maintenance of a safe and welcoming environment for all patrons while visiting the library.

1. Persons circulating petitions for signatures and/or leafleting shall not:

a. Block, hinder, interfere, or otherwise impede persons and staff wishing to enter or exit library buildings or to use book 

    returns, nor seek to intimidate patrons or staff into signing a petition or accepting a leaflet.

b. Occupy areas designated as fire or emergency lanes, shall not occupy parking spaces, and must stay clear of traffic 

    lanes and vehicular entrances.

c. Place or erect tables, chairs, or signs on library property.

d. Place leaflets or materials on vehicles in the library’s parking lot.

e. Block doorways, prevent patrons from getting in or out of cars, use abusive language, or behave in any way which is

    harassing or intimidating.

2. Only one person at a time is permitted to solicit signatures for a single petition or distribute leaflets.

3. No work or petitioning on behalf of candidates for elected office is allowed in library buildings or on library property.

4. No leafleting or distribution of literature, or solicitation is permitted for the purposes of selling items, merchandise, tickets, or

    other for-profit activities and services.

5. Not-for-profit fundraising activities are not permitted in library buildings or on library property by any person or organization

    when the purpose is to benefit a group or organization other than the Library or the Friends of the Wayne County Public


6. The Library has the right to ask any person circulating petitions or leafleting to provide his or her name and/or their

    supervisor’s name, address, and a copy of the petition or leaflet to library staff.

7. The library staff, Friends of the Wayne County Public Library, and members of the Library Board of Trustees are exempt

    from the above constraints in promoting library activities and issues.


Persons who fail to comply with any of the above policies or procedures will be asked to leave the library premises and may be barred from the right to circulate petitions or distribute leaflets in the future.

The Library will not assume responsibility for any harm or injury suffered by persons circulating petitions or leaflets, or by those who are signing a petition.

The presence of a person circulating petitions or distributing leaflets outside a library facility does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of any candidate, initiative or referendum, policies, beliefs, or political affiliations of any person or group circulating petitions or distributing leaflets.