Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Daily Record Collection landing page

Daily Record Collection | Remote Access with WCPL Library Card

Includes two options: Daily Record E-Edition from 2018 - present and Daily Record text only from 1999 - present.

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EBSCOhost Databases landing page

EBSCOhost Databases

Search thousands of magazines, academic journals, newspapers, reference books, photos and maps on millions of topics. Click on Choose Databases to add or remove databases from your search.

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Link to the database Explora for Middle Schools

Explora for Middle Schools (Grades 6-8)

Specifically designed with the needs of middle school students in mind, Explora for Middle Schools includes full-text articles from popular, vocational, and trade magazines, full-text newspaper articles, along with images, videos, and primary sources. Lexile reading levels included.

Starting in Fall 2023, the public library user experience of Explora will more closely align with the INFOhio user experience.  The goal is that a student using Explora at school will have a similar set of resources and results when they use Explora at home or at their local library.

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Explora Secondary Schools landing page

Explora for Secondary Schools (Grades 9-12)

A far better alternative to websites and search engines for students to look up articles and facts for research papers or homework, Explora for Secondary Schools offers full-text articles from thousands of magazines, journals, and newspapers on a wide variety of subjects, along with images, videos, and primary sources. Lexile reading levels included.

Starting in Fall 2023, the public library user experience of Explora will more closely align with the INFOhio user experience.  The goal is that a student using Explora at school will have a similar set of resources and results when they use Explora at home or at their local library. 

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Points of View Reference Source landing page

Points of View Reference Source

Points of View Reference Source contains many topics, each with an overview, point and counterpoint . Providing a balance of materials from all viewpoints, it also includes over 1,300 main essays, leading political magazines from all sides of the political spectrum, newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, primary source documents and reference books. It also offers guides for writing position papers, developing arguments and debating. Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides the basis from which students can realize and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

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Image is a link to the Professional Development Collection database

Professional (Educational) Development Collection

Designed for professional educators, this database provides a specialized collection of nearly 550 high-quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. Contains more than 200 educational reports, a professional development collection and the most comprehensive collection of full-text education journals in the world.

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Science Reference Source landing page

Science Reference Source

Topics covered in Science Reference Source include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife. By providing a wide range of topics, Science Reference Center satisfies the demand for standards-based content by providing teachers and librarians with articles correlated to state and national curriculum standards. Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.

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